Meet Emily Dixon
Let us introduce you to our gal Emily Dixon.
Emily joined the Pop Up Yoga family several years ago as a new yoga student. She dove in and her evolution thrust her forward towards teaching. As she worked through her teacher training locally we saw something inspiring with in Emily. She was a natural in the teaching form, and we brought her on to sub before she graduated from her 200 hours this past fall.
With her officially certification under belt (whoot whoot) Emily has taken on Wednesday evenings at 6pm as her own class. She taught full time for us for a few months leading up to this Great Pause, so we know sooo many of you have had a chance to get to know here.
So without further ado, meet this lovely women:
Name: Emily Dixon
B-day: November 10th
Hometown: Ventura, CA
Tell us about the evolution of your yoga practice:
I dabbled in yoga in high school but I actually began a regular practice with VPUY about four years ago. I’ve enjoyed being a regular fixture in class, first as a student and now as an instructor! ☺ I love walking this path because as my students and I learn and grow, we get to share our knowledge with each other –and have some laughs along the way!
What’s one thing you wish you could tell yourself when you began your yoga practice:
Practice and all is coming! As your practice evolves, you will evolve! Are you telling yourself you “can’t” do that pose? Try it again, and again, and again. You will learn to let go of self-judgment and meet yourself where you are. Maybe one day, as a bonus, the pose will start to become more accessible to you.
Why do you teach yoga:
My yoga practice has transformed my mind, body, and soul. If I’m blessed enough to have this gift, I have to share it with others.
How long have you taught:
I have been teaching since May of 2019!
If you could have lunch with any inspiration individual (dead or alive) who and why:
Frida Kahlo! She marched to the beat of her own drum, overcame so many unfathomable losses, continues to inspire artists decades after her death, and crammed such a full, colorful eccentric LIFE into only 47 years.
Favorite Treat: cheese popcorn *drool*
Favorite Book: The Fan Man by William Kotzwinkle
How many countries have you been to: Never been abroad—on my list!!
Spirit Animal: Lion or snake
One thing we don’t know about you:
I can write with my feet! LOL
(we did not know this about Emily, but think we need some evidence... Emily can you send us a quarantine letter please)