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Herbal Ally :: Cinnamon

Jessy Raspiller


I’m sharing my favorite way to sneak in a daily dose of cinnamon during the winter months.

But first, did you know that there are two types of cinnamon?

How do you know if you have the herbal ally you desire?

Below is what we call an herbal monograph. It breaks down descriptions, identifying properties and uses of a plant. In herbalism we still rely on the Latin name scheme for plants to ensure we’ve identified the plant ally we are seeking.

Ceylon Cinnamon

Latin: Cinnamomum verum

Common Name: Ceylon cinnamon, sweet cinnamon, “true” cinnamon

Origins: Sri Lanka and eventually cultivated by Southern India, Southeast Asia, Central America, Madagascar, + Africa

Cinnamon has been a modern day staple of the holidays, but truth be told it has a long rich history. It’s been used as far back as 2000 BCE in Egypt as a warming + digestive agent. It’s been traded for centuries as an herbal ally and kitchen spice. (The Herbarium, 2022)

Good to Know:

True cinnamon is harder to find in the US and not what we traditionally purchase at the super markets. The properties I'm sharing here today come from that of true cinnamon, which is light brown in color, soft and easy to grind… but very expensive. Cassia cinnamon is what we find in most spice isles. While flavorful and full of minerals it constitutes slightly different medicinal properties. Get to know the root names of your favorite herbs to ensure you’re purchasing what you intend to.


Seek fair trade + ethically sourced Ceylon cinnamon to ensure the product you purchase is harvested to the benefit of not only your health but the health of the farmers and the land.

My favorite place to buy True Cinnamon: Mountain Rose Herbs

Herbal Actions: Aromatic, Astringent, Anti-inflammatory, Carminative, Circulatory Stimulant, Hemostat.


  • Digestive :: cinnamon can stimulate digestion, helping with slow and sluggish digestive tracts. It can increase appetite and help with nausea, elevate gas and bloating

  • Excess Bleeding :: cinnamon can be used to support menstrual flow, postpartum, nose bleeds, and in first aid situations can be used to topically to help stop blood flow from wounds

  • Uplifting :: mood + energy boosting + an overall a warming agent from the inside out

  • Considered food to support high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, + winter stagnation


  • Cinnamon is contraindicated for ulcers and compromised livers. There are instances where cinnamon can provoke allergies.

Bonus: cooking with this herb gives you the aromatic + health benefits for the holiday season

Overnight oats are a convenient way to prepare a healthy breakfast, but when you have 5 extra minutes you can amplify the medicinal properties of your food by making it fresh on the spot.

Winter Morning Oats:

1/2 Cup of Oatmeal

1/2 Cup of Water

1/2 Cup of Almond Milk

1 tbsp Chia Seeds (suggestion to grind Chia to maximize health benefits)

1/2 tsp Ceylon Cinnamon (ground)

Pinch of sea salt to top off

Drizzle of Grade A Maple Syrup

Top with a Handful of Berries

In a small pot combine oats, water, milk, chia seeds and cinnamon. Give the mixture a stir to incorporate chia and spices. Allow mixture to heat down until oats have absorbed liquids. Let the oatmeal sit for 2minutes.

In a bowl top with a pinch of sea salt, maple syrup and some berries to provide some powerful anti-oxidants

Bring the warmth of cinnamon into your winter mornings!

**Please use caution when introducing new herbs. Never blindly take herbal remedies without learning more about their constitutions and contraindications. It’s important to consult with your medical professionals to ensure that herbal allys you’re curious about will best support your overall well-being.



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