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Back(pack) to Basics

Jessy Raspiller

Backpack packing

There is not much that excites me more than planning for an adventure. The day dreaming about what we will see, sleeping under the stars, and the freedom to surrender into the present moment. The part of the day dream that brings me back to reality is packing!

I’ve really fallen for the idea that everything I need to sustain myself for “X” amount of days, can only be what I can carry on my back. However, this isn’t something that comes naturally to me. To be honest, there are running jokes about me missing flights in order to check a 50lb bag for a 3 day weekend. But as I continue to unfold my yogic journey, I’m finding that minimalism and the idea of doing more with less is becoming the new running theme in my life.

Over the years I’ve refined my backpacking gear and I’m getting better at fine tuning the tools I truly need. Focusing on investment in light weight products, quality clothing, and let going of the "just in case I need it" tools. The one challenge that I still continue to improve upon is my FOOD.

The first time I looked at the average back country meals I was horrified at the quality of the product. Many of the prepacked energy bars were the same. While I know the body needs more calories, sodium, and nutrients to sustain over long days, I just have had a really hard time with the ingredients list on many of the name brands.

I recently came across a great blog post on Heather’s Choice website, that shares a 3 Day Backpacking Menu. The menu really follows suite with the quality of food that I look to sustain my adventures. As it would turn out, Heather’s Choice became one of our lead sponsors of swag goodies for our Channel Islands adventure. After getting to know them and the quality that they put into their products, I can’t wait to continue to try more of their meals.

Check out Heather's Choice Complete 3 Day Backpacking Menu here and then shop their incredible line of meals for your next adventure!

A BIG thank you to all of our Yoga in the Wild: Channel Islands adventure sponsors!

Visit Ventura- Heather's Choice - Justin's- REI

Yoga in the Wild: Channel Islands

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