Wellness Wednesday- Sun Soother

Happy First Week of Summer Ventura!!
Did anyone else have an “over-did-it” weekend at the beach?! That first sunburn of the season gets me every time. My pale Irish skin is no match for the warm inviting sunshine. At least I had my face covered with a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. The rest of my body wasn’t so lucky. Even with the SPF slathered on, I left the beach with the painful lobster hue.
The worst part is not only do I get the red glow as a parting gift, but I also have the joy of the itchiness that comes with a bad burn. Not willing to put up with the sunburn side effects for another day I came up with this relieving Sun Soother Recipe.

Sun Soother:
1 small jar (mine is 4oz)
¼ cup of coconut oil
¼ of all natural Aloe Gel (see below. Sourced from Ventura Lassens)
15 drops of lavender essential oil
5 drops of peppermint essential oil
*Optional Apple Cider Vinegar- apply diluted (with water) ACV to your skin with a cool wet cloth prior to applying Sun Soother. This will provide some instant relief for the sting.
Mix everything into your glass jar except Apple Cider Vinegar. Voila you have instant sunburn relief ready-made for your next beach oversight.
**Bonus- store your Sun Soother in the fridge to cool your skin down even faster.
Of course we wish you a happy and sunburn free summer. Always take every precaution to avoid sunburns. BUT this is an easy all natural remedy to keep on hand just in case!